Welcome to CCECP

Centre for Community Empowerment in Conflict and Peacebuilding is a Non-Governmental Organization dedicated to supporting local people to stop conflicts, elections and other related violence and build lasting peace in all fragile localities and environment. The Centre addresses issues of cultural and structural violence in communities, where contexts include inter-tribal, inter-ethnic, inter-religious violence; gender inequality; exclusion of minorities (IDPs, refugees, people with a disability); post-conflict trauma response; and reconciliation and reintegration. Additionally, our approach integrates conflict sensitivity and the full participation and empowerment of girls and women 



A Nigeria in which citizens are participating in localization of security governance; the government is safeguarding the rights and welfare of the people; and non-state actors are providing space for citizens to demand accountability.  


To rebalance relationships and power in favour of local people experiencing conflict through research, art, advocacy, dialogue, and empowerment for peacebuilding.


Sustainable peace and justice without violence in actively tolerant communities through responsible citizenship.

Strategic Objectives

We work with local people to stop war destroying lives.

In every conflict areas, there are local people tackling the triggers of violence, defusing deadly tensions, healing the divides of conflict and rebuilding lives after conflict has torn communities apart.

We support them to stop violence escalating and build long term peace. We speak out for local people to ensure the world hears their voices and we challenge State, National and global leaders to support them.


Strategic Focus Area

Safeguarding Civic Space

CCECP envision a community where all individuals have the opportunity to actively participate

Security Sector Reform

Promoting accountability and transparency in security institutions

Policy & Legislative Advocacy

We engage state actors to design a transparent and accountable security and peace policies

Gender, Peace & Security

We believe peace and security is a process driven by active public trust, understanding, dialogue

Building Livelihood

Building livelihoods can lead to sustainable economic growth, poverty reduction, and improved


We believe social change begins with capacity and data drive advocacy responsibility
